The Business of Electric Delivery Trucks
California is proposing a mandate on zero emission trucks with a strong focus on class 4-7 vehicles. These vehicles are good candidates for electrification, but with daily driving typically less than 100 miles, the limited operating cost savings can make return on investment difficult. Oberon Insights provides its perspective on the opportunities and challenges for the key Electric Delivery truck segment.
The Report provides details on:
Delivery truck market and daily driving miles which influence product requirements
Forecast sales volumes for electric delivery trucks in US
Cost roadmap for Electric Delivery components costs
The key influence of production volumes in reducing effective prices for vehicles
The economic outlook for electric delivery vehicles through 2030
The costs of charging system infrastructure and why this can be a key inhibitor to return on investment
The importance and complexity in developing an appropriate charging strategy to minimize operating costs
Outlook on Battery life and replacement
Residual value of electric delivery trucks compared to diesel
California is proposing a mandate on zero emission trucks with a strong focus on class 4-7 vehicles. These vehicles are good candidates for electrification, but with daily driving typically less than 100 miles, the limited operating cost savings can make return on investment difficult. Oberon Insights provides its perspective on the opportunities and challenges for the key Electric Delivery truck segment.
The Report provides details on:
Delivery truck market and daily driving miles which influence product requirements
Forecast sales volumes for electric delivery trucks in US
Cost roadmap for Electric Delivery components costs
The key influence of production volumes in reducing effective prices for vehicles
The economic outlook for electric delivery vehicles through 2030
The costs of charging system infrastructure and why this can be a key inhibitor to return on investment
The importance and complexity in developing an appropriate charging strategy to minimize operating costs
Outlook on Battery life and replacement
Residual value of electric delivery trucks compared to diesel
California is proposing a mandate on zero emission trucks with a strong focus on class 4-7 vehicles. These vehicles are good candidates for electrification, but with daily driving typically less than 100 miles, the limited operating cost savings can make return on investment difficult. Oberon Insights provides its perspective on the opportunities and challenges for the key Electric Delivery truck segment.
The Report provides details on:
Delivery truck market and daily driving miles which influence product requirements
Forecast sales volumes for electric delivery trucks in US
Cost roadmap for Electric Delivery components costs
The key influence of production volumes in reducing effective prices for vehicles
The economic outlook for electric delivery vehicles through 2030
The costs of charging system infrastructure and why this can be a key inhibitor to return on investment
The importance and complexity in developing an appropriate charging strategy to minimize operating costs
Outlook on Battery life and replacement
Residual value of electric delivery trucks compared to diesel